My name is Amanda Tello and I recently graduated with an Associate's Degree in Graphic Communications from Tarrant County College. I now work as a graphic designer based in Dallas, Texas. My primary focuses are illustration and web design, but I'm also able to do photo editing, typography, and digital publishing. My portfolio consists of works made in the Adobe Creative Cloud, or more specifically Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop, but I do works in Clip Studio Paint for personal projects.
Ever since I was a child, I knew that I always wanted to pursue a career using my graphic design skills. Since I took heavy inspiration from the cartoons I grew up with, I tend to lean more into cartoon, comic, and pop art styles; but I am willing and able to do other kinds of designs. I have received multiple awards for specific works as early as high school and as recent as my time attending TCC.
I believe that the key to an effective design is finding a balance between understanding the target audience for a specific design and keeping up to date with current graphic design. The target audience should always be the priority when making creative decisions. However, designs also has the potential to pull in those who weren't initially intended for the design by implementing practices and styles that are trending with my own interpretation. If it's enough to make someone's head turn and have them say, "that's neat", then it becomes a lot more likely to draw more people into what ever the design is about and take it seriously.
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